How Big Can Maine Coon Cats Get?


Maine Coon Cats

Maine Coon cats have long captivated cat enthusiasts with their impressive size, striking appearance, and gentle demeanor. These oversized kitties, often referred to as the gentle giants of the feline world, are a testament to nature’s ability to create truly remarkable creatures. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve deep into the world of Maine Coons, exploring just how big these magnificent cats can get and uncovering the factors that contribute to their awe-inspiring stature.

Introduction: The Gentle Giants of the Cat World

Maine Coon cats, affectionately known as “coon cats,” hold the distinction of being one of the largest domestic cat breeds in existence. Originating from the rugged state of Maine in the northeastern United States, these long-haired felines boast a rich history dating back to the 1800s. Their impressive size, coupled with their friendly and sociable nature, has earned them the well-deserved nickname “gentle giants” among cat lovers worldwide.

“Maine Coons are like the friendly giants of the cat world – big in size, but even bigger in heart.” – Cat Fanciers’ Association

The Maine Coon breed is renowned not only for its size but also for its intelligence, playful nature, and adaptability to various living environments. These cats have a special place in American folklore, with tales of their origin ranging from crossbreeding with raccoons (a biological impossibility) to being descendants of Marie Antoinette’s cats.

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Maine Coon Growth Stages: From Tiny to Towering

Maine Coon Growth Stages

Newborn Kittens: Starting Small

It might come as a surprise, but Maine Coon kittens begin their lives as tiny, vulnerable creatures, much like kittens of any other cat breed. At birth, these future giants typically weigh between 90 to 170 grams (3.2 to 6 ounces). Despite their small beginnings, keen-eyed cat owners might notice that Maine Coon kittens often have proportionally larger paws compared to other breeds – a subtle hint at their future impressive size.

The Rapid Growth Phase (3-7 months)

Around the 3-month mark, Maine Coon kittens enter a phase of rapid growth that sets them apart from many other cat breeds. During this crucial period, they can gain up to 2 pounds per month! This growth spurt is most noticeable between 3 and 7 months of age, and it’s during this time that their signature features – such as their tufted ears and bushy tails – begin to develop more prominently.

Maine Coon Growth Chart (Average)

AgeWeight (Male)Weight (Female)Notable Development
Birth90-170g90-170gEyes closed, ears folded
1 month0.7-1 kg0.6-0.9 kgEyes open, starting to walk
3 months2.5-4 kg2-3.5 kgRapid growth begins, playful behavior
7 months5-7 kg4-5.5 kgAdolescent stage, coat thickening
1 year6-9 kg5-7 kgNear adult size, still maturing

Reaching Full Size: A 3-5 Year Journey

Unlike many other cat breeds that reach their full size by 1-2 years of age, Maine Coon cats continue to grow and develop until they’re 3-5 years old. This extended growth period is one of the key factors contributing to their impressive final size. During these years, not only do they continue to gain weight and length, but their muscles also develop fully, giving them their characteristic sturdy and muscular build.

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Average Size Metrics for Adult Maine Coons

When discussing the size of adult Maine Coon cats, it’s important to consider three main metrics: length, height, and weight. These measurements showcase just how impressive these felines can be.

Length: From Nose to Tail Tip

Maine length

Adult Maine Coon cats are renowned for their extraordinary length. On average, they measure:

  • Males: 38-40 inches (96-101 cm)
  • Females: 36-38 inches (91-96 cm)

These measurements include their long, bushy tails, which can reach up to 14 inches (35.5 cm) in length! This impressive tail not only adds to their overall length but also serves practical purposes, such as providing balance and warmth in cold weather.

Height: Standing Tall

When standing on all fours, Maine Coons typically reach a height of:

  • Males: 10-16 inches (25-40 cm)
  • Females: 8-14 inches (20-35 cm)

This height, combined with their length, gives Maine Coons a commanding presence that’s hard to ignore.

Weight: Tipping the Scales

The Maine Coon weight can vary significantly, but on average:

  • Males: 13-18 pounds (5.9-8.2 kg)
  • Females: 8-12 pounds (3.6-5.4 kg)

It’s not uncommon for some male Maine Coons to exceed 20 pounds (9.1 kg) while still being at a healthy weight. This substantial size contributes to their nickname as the “dogs of the cat world,” as they can rival small to medium-sized dogs in terms of mass.

Factors Influencing Final Size

Several factors can influence the final size of a Maine Coon:

  1. Genetics: The most crucial factor, determining the cat’s growth potential.
  2. Nutrition: Proper diet during growth stages is essential for reaching full size potential.
  3. Exercise: Regular activity helps in muscle development and overall health.
  4. Overall health: Any health issues during growth can impact final size.
  5. Neutering/spaying age: The timing of these procedures can affect growth hormones.

Battle of the Sexes: Male vs. Female Maine Coons

When it comes to size, there’s a noticeable difference between male Maine Coons and female Maine Coons.

Male Maine Coons: The True Heavyweights

Maine true heavyweight

Male Maine Coons are typically larger than their female counterparts in all aspects:

  • Weight: 13-18 pounds (5.9-8.2 kg), with some reaching up to 25 pounds (11.3 kg)
  • Length: 38-40 inches (96-101 cm)
  • Height: 10-16 inches (25-40 cm)

Male Maine Coons often have broader faces, larger paws, and more muscular builds compared to females. Their impressive size is often accompanied by a more pronounced ruff around the neck, giving them a lion-like appearance.

Female Maine Coons: Petite yet Powerful

While smaller than males, female Maine Coons are still larger than many other cat breeds:

  • Weight: 8-12 pounds (3.6-5.4 kg)
  • Length: 36-38 inches (91-96 cm)
  • Height: 8-14 inches (20-35 cm)

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Females tend to have more delicate features but retain the characteristic Maine Coon look. Their slightly smaller size doesn’t diminish their beauty or presence, and many cat enthusiasts appreciate their more manageable size combined with the classic Maine Coon traits.

Side-by-Side Comparison: Key Differences

FeatureMale Maine CoonsFemale Maine Coons
Weight13-18 lbs8-12 lbs
Length38-40 inches36-38 inches
Height10-16 inches8-14 inches
BuildMore muscularMore slender
FaceBroaderMore delicate
PersonalityOften more laid-backCan be more active

Maine Coon Size Showdown: Comparing to Other Breeds

To truly appreciate the Maine Coon size, let’s compare them to other large cat breeds:

Maine Coon vs. Norwegian Forest Cat

Forest cat

Both breeds are known for their size and long fur, but Maine Coons generally edge out Norwegian Forest Cats:

  • Maine Coon: Up to 40 inches long, 18 pounds
  • Norwegian Forest Cat: Up to 36 inches long, 16 pounds

The Maine Coon’s slightly larger size and more rectangular body shape distinguish it from the Norwegian Forest Cat’s more triangular profile.

Maine Coon vs. Siberian Cat

Siberian cats are another large breed, but still smaller than Maine Coons:

  • Maine Coon: Up to 40 inches long, 18 pounds
  • Siberian Cat: Up to 35 inches long, 17 pounds

While close in weight, Maine Coons are typically longer and have a more distinct facial structure with high cheekbones and tufted ears.

Maine Coon vs. Ragdoll

Ragdolls are large cats, but Maine Coons typically outsize them:

  • Maine Coon: Up to 40 inches long, 18 pounds
  • Ragdoll: Up to 36 inches long, 15 pounds

Maine Coons have a more robust build compared to the softer, floppier structure of Ragdolls.

Maine Coon vs. Average Domestic Cat

Maine coon

The size difference becomes even more apparent when compared to an average house cat:

  • Maine Coon: Up to 40 inches long, 18 pounds
  • Average Domestic Cat: 18-20 inches long, 8-10 pounds

This stark contrast showcases just how impressive Maine Coons are in terms of size.

Record-Breaking Maine Coons: The Biggest of the Big

Some Maine Coons have grown to truly impressive sizes, setting world records:

  1. Stewie: Holds the Guinness World Record for the longest domestic cat ever, measuring 48.5 inches (123 cm) from nose to tail tip.
  2. Ludo: A close contender, measuring 46.5 inches (118.33 cm) long.
  3. Barivel: Claimed to be the longest living cat, measuring 47.2 inches (120 cm).

These exceptional cats showcase the impressive growth potential of the Maine Coon breed and have become celebrities in their own right, capturing the imagination of cat lovers worldwide.

The Science Behind Their Size

The impressive size of Maine Coons isn’t just a quirk of nature – there’s science behind it.

Genetic Factors

The Maine Coon breed carries specific genes that contribute to their large size. One such gene is the insulin-like growth factor 5 (IGF5), which has been linked to large body size in domestic cats. This gene affects the production of growth hormones, allowing Maine Coons to grow larger and for a longer period compared to other cat breeds.

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Environmental Influences

While genetics play a crucial role, environmental factors also contribute to a Maine Coon’s size:

  • Diet quality: High-protein diets support muscle growth
  • Exercise opportunities: Active cats develop stronger muscles
  • Living space: Larger spaces encourage more movement and growth
  • Climate: Originally adapted to cold climates, which favored larger body sizes

Nutrition’s Role in Growth

Proper nutrition is crucial for Maine Coon growth. These cats require a diet high in protein and moderate in fat to support their large frames and muscular builds. Specific nutrients like taurine are essential for heart health, which is particularly important for large breeds like Maine Coons.

Predicting Your Maine Coon’s Adult Size

While it’s impossible to predict exact size, there are some indicators:

Paw Size as an Indicator

Maine Paw Size as an Indicator

Large paws in Maine Coon kittens often indicate they’ll grow into large adults. This is because their paws grow in proportion to their eventual adult size. If your Maine Coon kitten has particularly large paws, it might be destined for impressive adult size.

Growth Charts and Their Limitations

While growth charts can provide a general idea, they’re not always accurate for Maine Coons due to their extended growth period. These charts are more reliable for breeds that reach full size earlier.

DNA Testing for Size-Related Genes

Some companies offer DNA tests that can predict adult size based on genetic markers. However, these tests are not 100% accurate and should be used as a guide rather than a guarantee. They can, however, provide insights into the presence of genes associated with larger size in Maine Coons.

Health Considerations for Large Maine Coons

While their size is impressive, it can also lead to health concerns:

  1. Joint Issues: Large cats may be prone to hip dysplasia and arthritis. Regular exercise and maintaining a healthy weight can help mitigate these risks.
  2. Heart Problems: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is more common in large breeds. Regular cardiac screenings are important for Maine Coon owners.
  3. Obesity: Due to their large frame, it’s easy for Maine Coons to become higher weight. Proper diet and portion control are crucial.

Regular vet check-ups and a balanced diet are crucial for maintaining the health of these gentle giants. Owners should be particularly vigilant about dental health, as larger cats can be prone to dental issues.

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Living Large: Caring for Your Maine Coon Giant

Owning a Maine Coon requires some special considerations:

  1. Space Requirements: These cats need room to stretch out and play. A spacious cat tree or dedicated climbing spaces are ideal.
  2. Exercise Needs: Despite their size, Maine Coons are active and need regular play. Interactive toys and puzzle feeders can help keep them mentally and physically stimulated.
  3. Grooming Challenges: Their long Maine Coon fur requires regular brushing to prevent matting. Many Maine Coons enjoy water, making bathing easier than with other breeds.
  4. Specialized Furniture: Larger cat trees and scratching posts are often necessary to accommodate their size and strength.
  5. Feeding Considerations: Due to their size, Maine Coons may require more food than average cats. However, portion control is crucial to prevent obesity.

Debunking Maine Coon Size Myths

Let’s address some common misconceptions:

  1. Myth: Maine Coons are part wildcat.
    Fact: Maine Coons are 100% domestic cats, despite their size. Their large size is a result of selective breeding and natural adaptation.
  2. Myth: All Maine Coons are huge.
    Fact: While generally large, there’s variation in Maine Coon size. Some may be smaller than average, while still exhibiting typical Maine Coon characteristics.
  3. Myth: Maine Coons keep growing forever.
    Fact: They stop growing around 3-5 years of age. After this, any weight gain is likely due to overfeeding rather than natural growth.
  4. Myth: Bigger Maine Coons are always healthier.
    Fact: Health is not directly correlated with size. A smaller Maine Coon can be just as healthy as a larger one.

Conclusion: Embracing the Majesty of Maine Coons

Maine Coon cats are truly remarkable creatures. Their impressive size, coupled with their gentle Maine Coon personality, makes them a favorite among cat enthusiasts. Whether you’re considering adding one to your family or simply admiring from afar, there’s no denying the awe-inspiring nature of these feline giants.

Their size is just one aspect of what makes Maine Coons special. Their intelligence, playful nature, and affectionate personalities contribute to their popularity as family pets. As with any pet, proper care, regular veterinary check-ups, and lots of love are key to ensuring your Maine Coon lives a long, healthy, and happy life.


Q: What’s the average lifespan of a Maine Coon?
A: Maine Coons typically live 12-15 years, with some reaching up to 20 years with proper care. Their size doesn’t necessarily impact their lifespan compared to other breeds.

Q: How much do Maine Coons eat compared to regular cats?
A: Due to their size, Maine Coons generally eat more than average cats. Adult Maine Coons may need 4-5 small meals per day, totaling about 80-100 calories per kilogram of body weight.

Q: Are Maine Coons good with children and other pets?
A: Yes, Maine Coons are known for their friendly and gentle nature, making them great family pets. They often get along well with children, dogs, and other cats when properly socialized.

Q: Do bigger Maine Coons have different personalities?
A: Size doesn’t typically affect personality. Maine Coons are generally friendly and playful regardless of their size. However, individual personalities can vary.

Q: How can I tell if my cat is a pure Maine Coon?
A: Pure Maine Coons have distinct features like tufted ears, large paws, and long, bushy tails. However, the only way to be certain is through genetic testing or official breed papers from a registered breeder.

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